In the 21st century; achieving real financial freedom seems almost like a pipe dream.

Work a 9-5

Save your paycheque

Put money into secured funds

Retire at 65

Sound familiar? We believe that investing in real estate is one of the best ways to achieve REAL financial freedom! Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, even LeBron James earned most of their wealth through real estate. But how easy is it to get started?

Good news: You don't have to be a millionaire to start investing!

Most people think you need millions to become a successful real estate investor and achieve the lifestyle they've always wanted: early retirement, travelling he world and supporting their families. But what if I told you that you could start investing today with no money at all?

There's a way that you can raise all of the capital you need to grow your own real estate empire; even if you're broke, can't get financing or have just tapped out of your current resources. People like me are doing it every single day successfully, and it all comes down to education, marketing and some determination.

Ready to get started making a difference in your financial future?

Become a millionaire in no time.

Hey I'm Sarah!

I'm a millennial, multi-millionaire real estate investor who is passionate about teaching others about how to take control of their financial freedom. I get to invest in real estate full-time, and have never looked back.

I started investing in real estate at just 27 years old, and today I've raised over $5 million for my own portfolio. I quit my corporate job, designed a free lifestyle and have a multi-million dollar portfolio; all without using ANY of my own money. And trust me; I started from the very bottom: with poor credit and nothing to my name, and was still able to build the life of my dreams.

So what's stopping you from achieving success?

Let me show exactly how you can build your own real estate empire using other people's money and achieve financial success - the exact systems and models I use personally in my own portfolio.

Let's go raise some capital and build your very own real estate empire!

We had been looking for a coach for a while before we found Sarah.My husband and I already had lots of experience investing in real estate. We had 7 doors and already considered ourselves well-informed. Any potential coach we had calls with left us feeling unimpressed. Our call with Sarah was different. She was extremely informed, knowledgeable and very well spoken on investing. We hired her on the spot and were very excited to begin our weekly calls. Each week she had a new focus and topic for discussion and success ready to go. Within a couple of weeks, we had our first JV. We couldn't be happier with our decision to hire Sarah!

- Hoskin Property Group

We want to thank Sarah for the time she took to sit with us and coach us; and share her journey with us. She has gone above and beyond; and we hope she knows that nothing she did for us will go unrecognized! We appreciate and value the time she spent helping us get our first property and JV partner. We learned so much with her guidance and support, and all of her continued feeback throughout the process. Thank you!!

-Posterity Capital Holdings

"Taking Sarah's course really taught me how to think differently about raising capital for my REI. Before I took the course, learning about raising capital was just overwhelming. After the course, Sarah had broken it down to the most important components, and given tested and actionable advice on how to approach it. Personally, I am on a slower journey to building my business, but the course and material remain invaluable - I often go back and review notes and documents, and im constantly finding new ideas that will help me pay for the course time and time again. Sign up - you won't regret it!!!"

-Sam G.